Saturday, December 28, 2019

Halal Business Corporate Social Responsibility - 3628 Words

Halal Business Corporate Social Responsibility Othman Ibrahim*, Siti Zakiah Melatu Samsi**, Muhamad Fazil Ahmad*** *University Teknologi Malaysia/Faculty of Computer Science and Information System, Johor, Malaysia. Email: **Multimedia University/Faculty of Business and Law, Melaka, Malaysia. Email: ***Universiti Putra Malaysia/Faculty of Modern Languages Communication, Selangor, Malaysia. Email: Abstract - Halal industry is growing in Malaysia and the government has done a lot of initiatives to nurture the industry. The awareness to get Halal status for the food products and premises also increase among the businesses as the enforcement efforts being done by†¦show more content†¦This concept is known as ‘Halalan Toyyiban’. Talib et. al. (2010) mentioned that there are six specific motives of the halal concept in Islam; (1) To preserve the purity of the religion, (2) to safeguard the Islamic mentality, (3) to preserve life, (4) to safeguard property, (5) to safeguard future generations and (6) to maintain self respect and integrity. Although Halal is an Islamic concept based on the revelation, it is not necessary that the owner of Halal business is Muslim. In Malaysia, any business owner regardless of their race and religion are allowed to apply for Halal certification for their products and sell them to the consumers. Islam is a complete religion. Because of the ‘Halalan Thoyyiban’ concept, the Halal products are now accepted in the global market and among non-Muslim consumers (Amat, 2006). III. HALAL INDUSTRY PERSPECTIVES In industry perspective Halal concept provides good business opportunities for everyone, Muslims or non-Muslims alike. It is touted as a new growth sector in light of the huge potential in this market. The rising affluence of Muslims worldwide and the increasing awareness on Halal have created high demand for Halal products and services. In referring to Halal, the business opportunities are not only confined to the food and non-food sector but also covers the services sector such as finance and banking, insurance, educationShow MoreRelatedEffective Understanding of Cultural Differences Will Be Key to Successful Business Operations in the 21st Century. Discuss This Statement Using Examples from Two Sectors.4254 Words   |  18 PagesEffective understanding of cultural differences will be key to successful business operations in the 21st century. Discuss this statement using examples from two sectors. Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate why it is essential to understand cultural differences to achieve success in the 21st century. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Film Review The Death Of Cinema - 2045 Words

CRITICALLY DISCUSS ANY OF THE FILMS SCREENED IN THE COURSE IN RELATION TO DISCOURSES SURROUNDING THE â€Å"DEATH OF CINEMA†. WHY ARE SUCH IDEAS/DISCOURSES ATTRACTIVE TO PARTICULAR FILMMAKERS AND TYPES OF CINEMA? Notions surrounding the â€Å"death of cinema† have been infiltrating cinema discourses for many years now. As we move away from cinema in its ‘purist’ form, we have almost completely transitioned into the digital age, and with this transition, ideas and opinions on the ultimate fate of cinema have become more popular and important. Many contribute technological advances in film as the driving force behind the dissolution of cinema’s distinctive art form. Yet this involuntary â€Å"transformation† of cinema is but one â€Å"death† in a group of discourses. As Michael Witt (1999) summarizes in his article The death(s) of cinema according to Godard, cinema has suffered not a single death, but â€Å"a series of deaths†. Jean-Luc Godard has for many decades been at the forefront of the discussion surrounding the death of Cinema. For the purpose of this essay, I will investigate the death of cinema as a series of deaths: three as identified by Jean-Luc Godard, as well as the ideas surrounding the ‘modern death’ of cinema – technological change and the corporatisation of film. Furthermore, I will aim to understand why such discourses hold such importance to certain auteurs and types of cinema. â€Å"Le cinema s est arrete dans les annees 20 avec le muet† translated into - Cinema stopped in theShow MoreRelatedFruit Chans Made in Hong Kong Essay1715 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Made in Hong Kong (1997) is one of the independent films directed by the â€Å"grassroots director† Fruit Chan on low budget production. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Emiratization for Health and Safety Officers -

Question: Discuss about theEmiratization for Health and Safety Officers. Answer: The government of the United Arab Emirates has taken an initiative to employ the citizens of the country in an efficient and meaningful way into the private and public sector which is known as Emiratization. Although the program has been initiated for almost a decade the effects of the program are only prominent in the public sector and not the private sector. The private sector only includes a 0.34% of the total employees in the country. The identification and development of quality with respect to the competent females and male of the court so that they can attain permanent positions in industries is known as Emiratization (, 2017). The Ministerial Decree No. (711) is related to the Health and safety officers within both the construction and industrial sector. According to the degree the company whose operations are based in industrial and construction work and have in total more than 500 employees working for them would not be entitled to a work permit until and unless they gave assigned an Emirati occupational health and safety officerfor the employees. The Ministerial Decree No (710) of 2016 is related to the employment of UAE professionals for the purpose of data entry profession. According to the Decree organizations which have employed more than 1000 employees would be provided with the authority to gain access to asheel online services for the purpose of completing transactions related to the ministry. However the position for data entry have to be filled by professionals who are UAE citizens (Minimum of two staff members ) which excludes other nationalities to carry out the duties assigned (Emirates 24|7, 2017) As discussed above Emiratization is the process of ensuring the UAE citizens are provided with the opportunity of working within the industrial and Construction sector. The process also involves provisions for taking better care of the employees working within the country. According to The National, (2017) in order to find cheap labor the industries are appointing foreign nationalists for doing the jobs. This situation is leading to unemployment of the UAE nationalist. The process is not only beneficial for the Emiratis but also the other workers as it also aim to improve the working conditions within the organizations operating in the UAE. According to The National, (2017) the practices which have the intention off promoting the opportunity for members who historically belong to a disadvantaged group or class is known as affirmative action. The action is often referred to providing increased opportunity for a specific race or women; it is also initiated for the purpose of assisting a disadvantaged group. The process ensures that such candidates are provided within equal opportunity within employment and the work place. Therefore it can be stated as a measure of providing an edge to the disadvantaged group. Comparing the definition of Affirmative action with the definition of Emiratization it can be stated that Emiratization is a form of affirmative action were the UAE citizens are the disadvantaged group. The UAE government have introduced Emiratization into the private sector to ensure that the sector provides opportunity to UAE Citizens towards working for them. The minister directives have been passed which makes it mandatory for a few industries to employ UAE citizens. The private sector which employs Emiratis also are entitled to few additional privileges. Numerous citizens of UAE are looking for Jobs and the government is in the pursuit of implementing measures to make such persons join the private sector. According to Sebugwaawo, (2017) figures have been released by the MoHRE which depict that around 10000 citizens have registered with them for the purpose of finding jobs. There are several measures which the government is taking to ensure that the citizens work in a private organization. firstly the ministry have initiated a training program for the purpose of providing training to the citizens in many diverse skills. Secondly, teams have been created to identify and register citizens who are unemployed. Private firms are being encouraged so that they give employment to qualified citizens. Article 14 provides provisions to prioritize the appointment of UAE citizens in the private sector for vacant positions. Job seekers have the opportunity of registering online. Resolution for supporting Emiratisation in the private sector has also been passed. According to statistics provided by The National about 76.6% of Emiratis work for the public sector, 16.6% work for the partially public sector and only about 5.8 work for the private sector. The most common reasons for the above mentioned statistics is that there is a belief that public sector provides better salaries than the private sector along with other benefits and working conditions. Another primary reason because of which the Emiratis prefer the public sector is due to the short span of working hours as compared to the private sector which provides them better opportunities to take care of their families. Another reason why such preference is made is because of patriotism The private companies have various options of ensuring that the Emiratis prefer them over the public sector. Firstly the salary provided to the Emiratis must be at least equal to what is provided by the private sector. The working conditions for the Emiratis also have to be enhanced by the public sector by providing them equal opportunity in the work place, flexible work times and proper rewards and recognition. The Emiratis must also be ensured that the organization is working for the betterment of the society and the citizens of UAE so that they get a sense of loyalty towards the organization. Some of the private sectors do not favor the Emiratis because they are able to get cheap labor from other countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan and India. The salary they need to provide them is considerably low than what needs to be provided to an Emirati worker. In addition the working condition laws also have to be complied with while appointing Emirati workers. Moreover the organizations find better qualified workforce from other countries. References Emirates 24|7. (2017). MoHRE to implement decrees on Emiratisation in private sector from tomorrow. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Oct. 2017]. Sebugwaawo, I. (2017). Ministry urges Emiratis to look at private sector for jobs. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Oct. 2017]. (2017). What is Emiratization?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Oct. 2017]. The National. (2017). Encourage Emiratis in the private sector. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Oct. 2017]. The National. (2017). Shorter work hours and patriotism main reasons Emiratis prefer public-sector jobs: study. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Oct. 2017].

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Economic Systems Attempt to Allocate Resources

Question: ExplainThe economic systems attempt to allocate resources. Answer: The decisions regarding the allocation of the resources are very important as it is the world of scarcity. The economic system helps to solve the problem which is related to the allocation of resources. The central government determines what is produced, how it is produced and for whom it is produced. As per the economists, what is produced criterion is determined by the final buyer of the commodities and services (Economic Systems for Resource Allocation 2016). The centrally planned model also referred to as the command economy is characterized by leading government sector which is coupled by with the general ownership of resources. The place of the price mechanism is taken by the central planning authority which in turn helps in the allocation of the resources. The values of the command economy are shown below with the help of the graph. Image 1 The impact of monetary and fiscal policy on the business organization Expansionary Fiscal Policy When laws are passed by the legislative in order to rise the spending of the government or to lower the taxes, it termed as the expansionary fiscal policy. This fiscal policy helps to relieve the economy from recession. When the individuals have to pay less tax, the government will increase consumerism in order to help the business. The increase in the spending of the government leads to the enlargement of the growth rate of the nation. As a result, the business organizations add to increased cost savings (Manuel, 2016). Contracting fiscal policy This fiscal policy increases the tax rate and as a result, the individuals will have less money to invest. This in turn reduces the spending of the government and the sales of the Bank of England declines as a result of unemployment. Increase in the monetary policy The expansionary monetary policy helps the economy to boost with the help of low rate of interest as well as larger supply of money. With the increase in the supply of money, the government builds up more money without any increase in taxes. This in turn helps the Bank of England to get loan at a cheaper rate. Diminishing monetary policy The diminishing of the monetary policy is mainly done to put off the economic fizz. With this policy both the government and the Bank of England will suffer (Forsythe, 2012). The impact of the competition policy The competition policy is central to the regulatory mechanisms as its objectives and the analysis forms a point of reference in order to assess the quality of its financial and social regulations. The competition policy is contradicted by the regulation. The Bank of England has been a perpetual victim due to the regulatory capture of the banking industry. The departments for business and the innovation and skills have undertaken the regulation of the firms as well as the promotion of the competition in the UK (Wise 2016). Market structure determining the pricing and the output decision The places where the buyers and the sellers contact each other and exchange the commodities and services takes place are known as the market. One of the characteristics of the market is the structure of the market. The different type of market structure includes perfect competition, monopoly and oligopoly. Under the perfect competition market structure there are various sellers of the commodities. As a result, the price and the output decision of the business depend on the demand of the commodities. The output decisions are mainly taken by the firms and the pricing decisions are taken by the buyers in the market (Baldwin and Scott 2013). In the monopoly market structure, the pricing decisions are taken by the firms and customers will have no other choice other than buying the products as they will have no other options. The output decision is also taken by the firm under this market structure in a business. Under the oligopoly market structure, the pricing decisions are determined by the sellers since there are many sellers in the market. The prices will be charged in such a manner that the buyers get attracted towards the products sold by them (Chand 2016). References Baldwin, W. and Scott, J., 2013.Market structure and technological change(Vol. 18). Taylor Francis. Chand, S. (2016).Price determination under oligopoly market. Smriti Chand. Economic Systems for Resource Allocation. (2016). pp.31-35. Forsythe, A. (2012).Fiscal Policy. Aaron Forsythe. Manuel, N. (2016).The Implications of Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy to Business. Nicole Manuel. Wise, M. (2016).THE ROLE OF COMPETITION POLICY IN REGULATORY REFORM. Italy: Michael Wise, pp.4-6.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Solutions to Prevent High School Dropouts Essay Example

Solutions to Prevent High School Dropouts Paper Are you sitting down? Each year, more than a million kids will leave school without earning a high school diploma thats approximately 7,000 students every day of the academic year, Without that diploma, theyll be more likely to head down a path that leads to lower-paying jobs, PC)ere health, and the possible continuation of a cycle of poverty that creates immense challenges for families, neighborhoods, and communities. For some students, dropping out is the culmination of years of academic hurdles, missteps, and wrong turns. For others, the decision to drop out is a response to conflicting elite pressures the deed to help support their family financially or the demands of caring for siblings or their own child. Dropping out is sometimes about students being bored and seeing no connection between academic life and real life. Its about young people feeling disconnected from their peers and from teachers and other adults at school. And its about schools and communities having too few resources to meet the complex emotional and academic needs of their most vulnerable youth. We will write a custom essay sample on Solutions to Prevent High School Dropouts specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Solutions to Prevent High School Dropouts specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Solutions to Prevent High School Dropouts specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Although the reasons for dropping out vary, the consequences Of the decision are remarkably similar. Over a lifetime, dropouts typically earn less, suffer from poorer health as adults, and are more likely to Wind up in jail than their diploma-earning peers. An August 2007 report by the California Dropout Research Project (PDF) detailed the economic and social impacts of failing to finish high school in the Golden State. The numbers cited in the report are sobering: High school graduates earn an average of nearly $290,000 more than dropouts over their lifetime, and they are 68 percent less apt to rely on public assistance. The link between dropout rates and crime is also well documented, ND the reports data indicates that high school graduation reduces violent crime by 20 percent. And nationally, the economic impact is clear: A 2011 analysis by the Alliance for Excellent Education estimates that by halving the 2010 national dropout rate, for example (an estimated 1. Million students that year), new graduates would likely earn a collective 57. 6 billion more in an average year than they would without a high school diploma. Mounting research on the causes and consequences of dropping out, coupled with more accurate reporting on the extent of the crisis, has led to increased public focus on whats been called he silent epidemic And faith that focus comes the possibility of more action at the local, state, and national levels to implement a mix of reforms that will support all students through high school graduation. Such reforms include early identification of and support for struggling students, more relevant and engaging courses, and structural and scheduling changes to the typical school day. Decades of research and pockets of success point to measures that work. Here are ten strategies that can help reduce the dropout rate in your school or community. We begin with steps to connect students and parents to school and hen address structural, programmatic, and funding changes: 1. Engage and Partner with Parents Its an all-too-familiar story: Parent involvement declines as students get older and become more independent. But although the role of parents changes in secondary school, their ongoing engagement from regular communication with school staff to familiarity With their childs schedule, courses, and progress toward graduation remains central to students success. Findings in a March 2006 report, The Silent Epidemic, illustrate the importance Of engaged parents throughout secondary school. Sixty-eight percent of the high school dropouts Who participated in the study said their parents became involved in their education only after realizing their student was contemplating dropping out of school. In Sacramento, California, high school staff members make appointments with parents for voluntary home visits, to keep parents engaged with their childrens progress. This strategy which has so far been replicated nationally in eleven states, plus the District of Columbia includes placing as many visits as possible during summer and fall to parents of teens entering high school a radical transition point for many students to begin building a net of support and to connect parents to the new school. Staffers also conduct summer, tall, and spring home visits between and during the sophomore and junior years to students who are at risk of not graduating because of deficiencies in course credits, the possibility of failing the state high school exit exam (a condition of graduation), or poor grades. Visits in the summer after junior year and fall of senior year are to ensure that students are on track for either career or college. Early evaluations of the program by Paul Thus of Sacramento County Office to Educations Center for Student Assessment and Program Accountability found that students who received a home visit were considerably more likely to be successful in their exit exam intervention and academic-support classes and pass the English portion of the exit exam. A follow-up evaluation of the initial cohort of students at Luther Burbank High School showed that the students both passed the exit exam and graduated high school at significantly higher rates. (Visit the website Of the Parent/Teacher Home Visit Project. )

Sunday, November 24, 2019

A short commentary on Roland Barthes Mother Courage Blind Essays

A short commentary on Roland Barthes Mother Courage Blind Essays A short commentary on Roland Barthes Mother Courage Blind Essay A short commentary on Roland Barthes Mother Courage Blind Essay Essay Topic: Literature There are many men who altered time in creating a different world for everybody else. Some took it for worst, while others changed it for the better. Most of these men were all soldiers of a certain rank or leaders of nations, nonetheless of what they represented or what they done, they all have the same similarities. These men were all leaders. Bertold Brecht was a front-runner of literature, the originator of what we call epic theatre and he was an artistic leader with all of the qualities that was needed to originate this new theatre. Walter Benjamin describes Brechts epic theatre as â€Å"[1]appealing to an interesting group of people who do not think without reason† in his essay [2]â€Å"What is Epic Theatre† in his illuminations. I will use this as the stronghold to my essay on Roland Barthes Mother Courage Blind and how Bertold Brecht influenced him. Brecht sets Mother Courage Blind and Her Children during the thirty years war, a war that went on for thirty years without reason, in many cases without a reason for the people living during the war. A war that the poor and working class lost what they did not see while the higher classes won with their losses. Brecht writes this play during 1939, the time where Fascism and Nazism were on a rise and Nazi occupied Germany had just taken over their neighbors Poland. Brecht being a Marxist himself, I could imagine that he used the setting of this play as a left wing political act against the governments of the time. However one may argue that Brecht was himself a businessman, exploring the environment in his play by targeting the people who would be interested, but I very much doubt this was his intention. Brecht was a man of great culture, creativity and a sense of humor who influenced many of his time and still does now. What Brecht’s implies in this play is how great powers, in this sense the European powers use war as a profit venture. This is one of the main reasons which Mother Courage Blind attracted Roland Barthes. Barthes seemed to love the idea of Brecht displaying this act with his epic theatre and not preaching his thoughts through religion or politics as he states in his essay that Brecht â€Å"unites his crucial intention to a true theatre, so that the proposition’s evidence results not from sermon or argument but from the theatrical act itself† [3]. Barthes suggests that Mother Courage is suffering because she is blind to her own senseless acts, but this is what Bertold Brecht actually wants the audience to think as he later goes on to explain in the essay how â€Å"we are once mother courage and we are those who explain her;†[4]Barthes appreciates how Brecht’s intelligence in his theatre takes a hold of the audience and makes them lost in Mother Courage which then the audience is brought into her blindness without acknowledging the greatness of the theatre which has a enormous impact on the individual in the audience. Even though Brecht’s Mother Courage is an opportunist and a very inspiring character, it does not take much to see that she is simply a product of her environment and that the character is solely playing the part of a victim to make the audience feel for her struggles, which is what I believe Barthes meant by â€Å"we are all once Mother Courage[5]† by Brecht creating this character, it allows the audience to get in and get close with Mother Courage, feeling her emotions and what she is going through. As I have explained before, this play was written in 1939, which means most of the audience had already witnessed the First World War and the Second World War while Brecht was touring Europe. In a way Brecht seems to create this character so the audience could see themselves in Mother Courage and not make the same mistakes as her, because he only allows them to get close enough to judge her and nothing more. I trust if Walter Benjamin was alive to witness Mother Courage Blind and her Children in theatre, and if he were to write a critic’s essay about it, it would be the very similar to Roland Barthes version. The two men had a lot of similarities and I consider that if it was not for the tragic loss of Walter Benjamin, the two would have been very good friends. While reading Barthes Mother Courage I could sense a certain charismatic male. He explains what he see’s as the only way and does not take in account any other opinions and expects for the reader to understand him and only understand his opinion. Barthes seems obsessed with the â€Å"double vision: of the social evil and its remedies[6]† which is seen in Mother Courage Blind and her Children. The social evil the modern day is drugs, alcohol and violence. These are all things that are frowned upon and the remedies to life that change people. The social remedies in Mother Courage Blind are basically the characters blindness. All things could be made better if Mother Courage actually steps back and looks, but what Barthes does not consider while writing his essay is what he would have done if he were himself in Mother Courage’s shoes himself? Throw in the fact that all Mother Courage knows is war, where as the audience obviously knows that there is an end to the thirty years war, she sadly doesn’t. Brecht Mother Courage has a very important quote towards the end of the play â€Å" hope I can pull this wagon by myself. gotta manage. Not much in it, now. Gotta get back in business†[7] this is the scene just after Mother Courage leaves her late daughter to be buried by the peasants. This quote could show that people are in need of psychological and materialistic support as she looses her daughter but her only concern is getting her business back running again which is what I believe Barthes emphasizes on about his social evil. Although it could be argued that this is all she knows and this is all she’s know all her life. Although I see that Brecht is trying to show how the small people, also known as the working class does not have a say in what happens and all they’ve got to do is get on with what ever is thrown at them, Barthes argues this matter and suggest that if people saw their own stupidity, they will realize their mistakes and change for the better. Most of Barthes drama works after this had resemblance to what Bertold Brecht had created with his epic theatre. After the war, Barthes helped establish a magazine called â€Å"theatre populaire† I believe his main intention in this magazine was to assault the commercial drama of his days yet no one had really created theatre that will attack both social and political issues in the same play. But in 1954 Barthes came across Mother Courage Blind and Her Children while Brecht’s Berliner Ensemble was in France. This is where Barthes saw what he had longed to see from his university days after he had founded a theatre group which performed Greek plays. In Brecht he had found a theatre that brings together both Marxism and aesthetics in the same play. This was the start of a critic being unleashed into the world with the influence of a great leader in his own field.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

IT in US healthcare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

IT in US healthcare - Essay Example A potential answer to this question is the slow pace of adoption of IT in the healthcare industry. In the last few decades, the benefits of IT in the manufacturing and service industries have been well demonstrated. These benefits can just as easily be implemented in the healthcare area. For example, much of current record keeping is paper based, disorganized, and often illegible. Thus, records can be easily lost or scattered, and are poorly linked together. This disorganization can cause up to 80% of errors in healthcare administration. Clearly, the information needs to be organized architecturally according to a designed framework while keeping in mind the privacy of health records. Automation and streamlining of information storage would enable the seamless flow of information and would contribute to overall cost reduction. Cost containment is one of the key drivers of this kind of change, particularly in light of the growing elderly population combined with a shortage of physicia ns and nurses. The rising proportion of healthcare costs with respect to the gross domestic product (GDP) is an important indicator of the significance of this issue. In 1960, healthcare costs amounted to 7.2% of the GDP. By 2005 they have escalated to 16% of GDP and are predicted to continue to grow to 20% by 2015. The increase in the average human lifespan has been made possible by the advancement in medical science and technologies. Despite the high cost, the availability of healthcare in America is dismal compared to other developed nations where the average healthcare cost is typically around 8% of the GDP [13]. Today, forty-four million Americans cannot afford health insurance because health-care costs have risen four times faster than wages [14]. Many hospitals and vital health care services are out of reach for needy Americans. The United States will spend 10 trillion dollars in health-care in next 10 years, which will have a significant negative impact on the economy. Worse, government programs such as Medicare do not cover the hospital costs. These unpaid expenses add to the cost private insurance for individuals and employers. To be sure, the cost of health-care must be addressed on a top priority. The inherent efficiency of the system is perhaps the leading culprit in producing these consequences. Condition of Current Practices is Critical Utilization of information technology in the healthcare industry has been minimal, and its adoption slow. Although health insurance is among the leading industries, 90% of the transactions within this $30 billion industry are performed by phone, fax or mail. Fewer than 5% of prescriptions from U.S. physicians are managed electronically. Most healthcare organizations spend only 1% to 4 % of their revenues on IT. This is half the amount that organizations in other leading industries spend on their IT infrastructures [3]. Clearly, more effort must be directed toward facilitating the implementation of IT in the healthcare field by addressing the barriers to its adoption. Some hospitals have already started to capitalize on this opportunity by using electronic medical record keeping technologies, and hospital information systems (HISs). For example, Kaiser Permanante allows its users to book and cancel appointments on-line. Such initiatives must be expanded in order to fully realize the benefits of IT for reducing the cost of healthcare. Indeed, they hold great promise for making